The Badass Postjam Writeup

Hello World

The birth of this game is a story of friends uniting to create art one LAN at a time. I was excited to join the GitHub Gameoff 2022 gamejam and when my two buddies Hal and TJ wanted to create a game around the same time it was on. Team S*** Storm named after our old LoL clan has assembled to create a video game. The team decided to use the RPG Maker MV engine since TJ and I already have experience creating Boss Tower RPG in that engine. The team really used up the entire months development period. TSS even manage to have a productive LAN party to work. Throwing a LAN was a great idea to raise moral to get the game off the ground (we played Jabroni Brawl: Episode 3 if you were curious).

Technical Overview

Since I'm the only programmer in the group I pushed hard for RPG maker so everyone could contribute to the game without any major barriers. RPG maker has its own limitations but with the right plugins and some tweeks to the core game you can create something unique. If you are making an RPG maker MV game this project might make a good template for other RPG adventure projects. I tried my best to make the logic as digestible as possible.

It's all squares. Here is the main map with all the event calls.

All the action is taken place on "GrassRoad" that is looped with RNG events pulled from a pool of 30 events.

The main guts of the game is the random events. I've used RPG makers Comment Events to create a pool of events that can be pulled from at random. I have one array that keeps tracks of eventIDs and tries to pull new IDs if duplicates events are found. It does not fully work as intended but I'm sure its something small. I could not find a fix before the jam ended.

Art Overview

AI was used. This is the second gamejam project I've used AI generated art in my first attempt was the nightmare fuel that is Aiabyss. The team used a lot of time curating images and digging through AI generated gibberish to find the more pleasing images. There is an art to generating the right AI image and the prompts we used had a lot of tags such as: Grimy, steel, cyberpunk, artificially intelligent cars, vaporwave atmosphere. I think we did a good job on finding the right images. I feel like we could always add more because the cost of generating AI images is insanely cheap and really speeds up development. The main tools used for the game were nightcafe and boomy.

Development Progress Screenshots

Files Play in browser
Nov 28, 2022

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